legendary is the festival of legendary.this festival has legendary whizzad .how to do Quest? you can find legendary whizzad click him and click Quest if you want Quest.ex i want to get legendary dragon i can click at Quest of fire.
how play growtopia
วันอังคารที่ 24 พฤศจิกายน พ.ศ. 2558
วันเสาร์ที่ 17 ตุลาคม พ.ศ. 2558
donate box
many pro world was just write sign is drop wl and see magic(no magic) no magic because many people was donate wl for owner. donated box you can click you item and click donate box and enter you was donate.
many pro world was just write sign is drop wl and see magic(no magic) no magic because many people was donate wl for owner. donated box you can click you item and click donate box and enter you was donate.
scam fail
growtopia scam fail
you know do not drop in world drop game or many world can drop. but if owner scam fail you can get item and quit world.
you know do not drop in world drop game or many world can drop. but if owner scam fail you can get item and quit world.
scamer has scam you.if people in growtopia gems say drop you can't drop because he was scam you.if come world drop game owner can pull you and say drop you can t dropout this you have many people you can drop or not drop (scam 70% get price30%)
scamer has scam you.if people in growtopia gems say drop you can't drop because he was scam you.if come world drop game owner can pull you and say drop you can t dropout this you have many people you can drop or not drop (scam 70% get price30%)
you know? many people in growtopia game was hack to got pro but he was noob. know if you hack god or @hamumu or many@ was game ban you. many growtopia account was just game an because hack or scam...(not sure).
you know? many people in growtopia game was hack to got pro but he was noob. know if you hack god or @hamumu or many@ was game ban you. many growtopia account was just game an because hack or scam...(not sure).
hamumu and seth
create game growtopia
@hamumu and @seth was create growtopia game. @seth was programing and @hamumu has design many item.
growtopia id
growtopia account
if you have grow id you was sign in in many mobile.if you don't have growtopia id you can play only in you mobile.if you want support you can earn 2550 gems and you can get supporter.supporter can do. supporter can use recycle,change skin color ex. red,blue.
if you have grow id you was sign in in many mobile.if you don't have growtopia id you can play only in you mobile.if you want support you can earn 2550 gems and you can get supporter.supporter can do. supporter can use recycle,change skin color ex. red,blue.
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